Achieving the third position among the Ministry of Science's universities in the latest Times Higher Education - Asia rankings

29 August 2023 | 09:25 Code : 5311 News
Achieving the third position among the Ministry of Science's universities in the latest Times Higher Education - Asia rankings

Babol Noshirvani University of Technology once again shines as a stellar example in the realm of higher education and advanced research. This time, by securing the third rank among Ministry of Science universities, following Sharif University of Technology and Iran University of Science and Technology, and also ranking 78th in Asia according to the 2023 Times Higher Education Asia rankings, the university stands out among both Iranian and global institutions. This accomplishment serves as a symbol of Babol Noshirvani University of Technology's unwavering commitment and continuous focus on providing excellent services in the field of higher education.

tags: university university technology technology higher higher education education babol among

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